What is my preferred mode of travel?

It all depends on where I am going to. I prefer the shortest distance between two points, which as we learnt in secondary school, was and still is a straight line.

I don’t understand why anyone would want to stay very long in a moving machine instead of getting to their final destination as quickly as possible so that they can enjoy that place for longer. Do you?

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What brings me joy in life.

I told you I wasn’t going to get creative with my titles. WordPress, the boss blogging website thinks the above is a good blog prompt, then it must be sufficient to make at least, a decent blog title.

Here are a few things that bring me joy in life. In no particular order. Or maybe in the order in which they came to mind. Which may just be an order of importance or current value. Who knows?

  • Reading and studying the Bible with no deadlines to go do other things. So, my favourite time is very early hours of a Saturday or Sunday morning.
  • Good food with good people in a good home. I love having people around with a good meal, good games, good laughter and bonus points if no dressing up is needed to turn up!
  • Seeing a child flourish in the gift that they have whether that be academic or not. I find it utterly mind blowing when I see them do so well in something that feels like an impossibility to me. It leaves me in complete awe and wonder at the God Who made them with such unique brains.
  • Singing at the top of my lungs in a Christian worship event, be that a massive concert or a church service. This can motivate me to exercise more to build my lung capacity for belting out tunes so loudly!
  • Seeing a man worship God so freely, emotionally unashamed in expressing his love for God, refusing any masculinity that moderates his adoration for his Maker.

I think these 5 make a good list of the things that bring me joy. Not a lot I know but that’s all I have for you today.

So, tell me. What sort of things bring you joy? Is there something I can add to my list?

Why do I write?

This is my first post for WordPress bloganuary challenge this January. And the prompt is today’s blog post title. I’ll probably follow the same theme for future challenge posts.

So, why do I write. Here are some reasons why. I had no idea how many reasons I was going to give in my first draft. Could be 5 or 10, who knows. Here we go.

1) I write to clear my mind, to remove the need to remember the details. It frees my mind to do other things. I feel like I have given whatever I wrote the level of attention it deserves.

2) I write to get better at conveying my story and information in a clear and succinct way without losing key details. What you do repeatedly is practice for doing better. The more I write, the better and the more I write.

3) I write to process events and happenings. As I write my thoughts, I usually gain greater clarity about a situation or person which is why I try to journal when something somewhat significant happens in my space. New and different perspectives open up to me.

4) I write to release myself from holding secrets. I’ve used storytelling to share a not so pleasant experience a few years ago. And because it involved people who knew about my blog, I told it the way Jesus told parables to convey truth. Without naming names or exacting details.

5) I write to teach, to share lessons and life experiences, to share insights and intel I’ve gleaned doing life while observant. Whenever I notice something or someone or some situation that carries more than the surface meaning, I write to store that knowledge somewhere readily accessible.

6) I write to let others get to know me. I write to share a part of myself with the world. To let others into my space a little. Even though I’ll say I’m still a very private person, at least by today’s standards, it’s always nice to be known, heard, read from and seen.

There are probably more reasons why I write but drafting this at 9.09pm isn’t the ideal time for too much brainstorming lest my brain gets too excited and alert for sleep. So, 6 whys would have to do for now.

Now on to you. Why do you do what you do? Let me know in the comments.

Book Out Now: In the Life of Abraham

Out with the resolutions. In with taking actions.

With so many things shouting for your attention, it’s not your fault for not wanting to study your Bible.

All those movies and series with 5 seasons and 20 episodes each, seem more appealing than reading through a book written so long ago you have no context for its stories.

But what if instead of going in blind, you had a guide to set the context for you, making it relevant to your life today, not thousands of years ago?

If instead of chapter upon chapter, you had only a few verses to enjoy one day at a time, imagine how much more fulfilling you’ll feel for going deeper at your own pace?

Allow me to introduce you to Book 1 of the Bible Study Notes Compilation series, In the Life of Abraham.

It’s been written to help you journey through Abraham’s life in less than 50 days, to inspire your own faith walk and deepen your understanding of Biblical truths.

Ready to jump in? Then go here to download your copy now for FREE but only until January 8th, when it goes back up to N3,500 (£4.99).

Prefer to read on your Kindle? Then head over to Amazon to start reading today for £4.99 or £9.99 (paperback).