My other half (not)

“Aww you two make a lovely couple!”

“I love the way you and your husband dance in church, moving in the same direction.”

“You look a lot like your husband.”

“Is this your other half?”

“How long have you two been married?” Continue reading

Start, Middle and End

In the space of less than 10 days, I celebrated the life of a friend who’s now with Jesus and then a week later with another friend who now needs Jesus like never before . . . on the journey called marriage!

And while thinking on these things, I realised that it seems the three most common times in one’s lifetime when you’re likely to see the highest gathering of the people that matter to you, at least to a good extent, are Continue reading

The Dress Story

“Jake, where’s my dress?”

“It should be at the back of the car. Have you checked?”

“Yes I have. I’ve emptied both the back of the car and the boot and I still can’t find it.”

“Ha! That’s not even funny oh! Let me have another look. I’m sure I saw you take it from your room downstairs just before we left. I think I even saw you put it in the car.”

“What!! You didn’t take it? Even though you were the first to step out of the house. I thought you were carrying it.”

“No oh! I was carrying the red carrier bag we were going to use for food shopping later.” Continue reading

My Daniel Fast – Food

I decided to tag along with the recent 7-day fast organised by Bethel Church. Thankfully, it was the first week of the Easter holidays so I could give it better attention than if I was working.

I knew I didn’t want to do a dry fast as I would be distracted by the hunger. My odeshi hasn’t reached that level yet. The 6-to-6 one aka eat-only-after-6pm, didn’t appeal either. Bethel had different fast suggestions, so I decided to go for the Daniel Fast, which is Continue reading

Eternity’s Brief

Those two words seem out of whack put next to each other: eternity and brevity. Although they rhyme, they aren’t synonyms! I was thinking of a way to continue to honour the memory of a dear friend, who’s continued his eternal journey directly with Jesus, and to whom I wrote a tribute in my last post.

Recently, I listened to a message by John Bevere as he shared in Bethel Church about one’s life purpose. One of the things that stuck in my head was Continue reading